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[科幻] 时空救援 Retrograde 2004 BluRay REMUX 1080i MPEG-2 DD 5.1-CHD 13.0GB

发表于 2017-12-20 21:59:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
导 演: Christopher Kulikowski
主 演: 杜夫·朗格 Dolph Lundgren James Chalke Gary Daniels Nicolas de Pruyssenaere Silvia De Santis Dean Gregory Derek Kueter Marco Lorenzini
地 区: 美国 英国 卢森堡 意大利 ( 拍摄地 )
对 白: 英语
颜 色: 彩色
时 长: 93 分钟
类 型: 科幻 冒险 行动
分 级: 美国:R 荷兰:12
杜夫·朗格 Dolph Lundgren .... John Foster
James Chalke .... Vacceri
Gary Daniels .... Markus
Nicolas de Pruyssenaere .... Ichek
Silvia De Santis .... Renee Diaz
Dean Gregory .... Central Command Leader
Derek Kueter .... Charley
Marco Lorenzini .... Bruce Ross
Nicole Max .... Anna Foster
Joe Montana .... Dalton
Joe Sagal .... Andrew Schrader
Ken Samuels .... Capt. Robert Davis
Arnita Swanson .... Reese
David Jean Thomas .... Jefferson
Jamie Treacher .... Mackenzie
简 介:
  In the not too distant future, a team of genetically unique men and women, lead by John Foster, make a daring, first attempt trip back in time in order to prevent the discovery of meteors containing a deadly, off-world bacteria... a bacteria that brings humanity to the brink of extinction. Unbeknowst to John, a mutinous officer named Dalton has personal greed driven plans of his own for a new life in the past. Set aboard a ship trapped in the Antarctic, fate and chance forever alter the lives of a group of scientists and polar researchers who encounter John and Dalton. The opposing time travelers soon discover that their return to the present day, sets into motion the terrible things to come.
在不远的未来,有一队唯一无二基因的男女,由John Foster领道,停止大胆的初次的尝试,回到曩昔阻止人们发现包括扑灭性致命菌的陨石。此病菌将人类带到灭绝的边沿。


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